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E3 Conference of 2016


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
Hello everyone. I am The Great Sage, Webmaster and Creator of Guardian Sages. It's about that time again, everyone!! The E3 Conference is upon us. There's going to be a lot of revealing and unveiling of new games and more this year. And for the first time, Nintendo is dedicating a day of E3 to the unveiling of the newest Legend of Zelda NX/U. I will be doing some News Reporting on it, soo expect a full report of the game after the Conference is concluded. I hope everyone is very excited, as I am. But don't let me do all the talking.

Reply/Comment down below and let's talk about it!!
Good morning, my friends. TGS here. Well, today is the day. The E3 is going to unveil the new Zelda game. I'm going to be reporting at every moment I can today. I hope to see everyone here soon. Because keep a look-out for my reports.
There's soo much that I have gathered about the game and I have many screenshots from the gameplay. I'm going to be working on putting together a News Report for everyone to read. I'm thoroughly excited to share this knowledge with you very soon!!
While my New Report is being carefully examined by our @webmasterbob, I know I wasn't the only one who was paying attention to the E3 Conference. Come on, everyone!! Let's talk about some of the biggest highlights of the E3 show. I know that they revealed quite a number of new games. We already covered Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild. But what else was everyone paying attention to??

I know they were showcasing the new Pokemon games. I overheard they revealed Dishonored 2, Halo V, and many more. My attention was solely on Breath of the Wild. Soo, help us stay informed with your insights of the other games. List below all the things you paid attention to while watching the E3 show. Ready, GO!!!!