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Favorite DS Game


Sage in Training
Just as the title says, does anyone have a favorite Nintendo DS game? Somewhere in the progression of this thread I will decide between these three games:
  • Animal Crossing
  • New! Super Mario Bros.
  • Mario Kart :DS

edit: haha try to figue out how the smiley face got there
I only have MK of the above listed, and it rocks, but I also like Advance Wars: DS and Kirby: Canvas Curse
Tough one. I like Advance Wars and MP: Hunters and MK DS and Castlevania, so I really can't pick a favorite.
Hehe.. I wouldve never guessed
That game looks good but it couldnt possibly be better than any of my 3 games :D
Using superhuman abilities to cure diseases that were apart of a major biological terrorism attack on humans nation-wide........battling with poison, spiders with black fire shields, worms burrowing into people's hearts.....How is this not exciting? I think that this game EASILY ranks among or above the games that you listed!
Well I haven't played the game and it may have an exciting story but my games don't need a story to be great :D

I've narrowed my 3 down to 2:
New Super Mario Bros.
Animal Crossing: Wild World

It was really hard to choose my top 2 because those 3 games are al so amazing. This shouldn't be offensive to Mario Kart because it is an honor to be considered in my top 3 :D

If I were to give these games scores they would be .01 away from eachother
Trying to decide between two good DS games is like trying to chose the worlds best (insert dessert here). It can't be done.
Ah yes... and since I couldn't choo0se I did eni-meni-mini-mo and the award goes to.... New Super Mario Bros.!
All of a sudden at the To p3 ceremony to award #1, TC: UtK falls and flattens the others, proving it's superiority