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Favorite DS Game

OK, I was kidding about laughing. Teddy hates me as is. Anyway, I like Advanced Wars.
No he doesnt... he just thinks ur anoying :D
Another good DS game is Age of the Empires DS that game came in 4th :D
.................................................when I first played a kriyaki mission on TC: UtK, I thought that when the kriyaki made the 3 mature kriyaki slashes, I messed up so I restarted the game...............but being yelled at by a mole..........wow

Also on HP: tSS for the PS1, I like to bother Prof. Snape. He just says "Stop pestering me Potter." over and over. It's really funny to get on his nerves
In Harry Potter puppet pals 2, where voldemort takes over, when he uses avada kedavra on Snape, pause it, then skip ahead until the green light looks like a star on Snape, click on it, and you will see a funny cut scene with Ron
follow the butterflies, follow the butterflies ...
Ronnicis Explodicis!

Anyway, back on topic.
Everyone, BACK ON TOPIC! NOW!!!!
P.S. - Golden Sun for the DS: could RPG perfection finally be within reach?
Hmmmmmmmmm I wouldn't know....... I still like TC: UtK.......but an RPG for the DS? That.....sounds.....................................BRILLIANT!!! And a "perfect" one too, what else could be better!?!;)