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Favorite Movies

The entire point of I am Legend was about the sacrifice he made.
Everyone he cared about had died.
Nothing was left for him here.
So he went to someplace better.
Don't forget about the classics movies like Airplane!, Spaceballs, Caddyshack, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Blazing Saddles.
Oh god, yes. Those were all amazing. The Magnificent Seven and the Clint Eastwood westerns were great too (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; For few Dollars More; *I forget the first one :( ).
Me Too
Made in Dagenham
Nutcracker in 3D
The King's Speech
Casino Jack
How Do You Know
Rabbit Hole
Another Year
My favorite Movies can be

Lord of the rings,
Shutter Island,
Catch me if you can

they are top of my list well I have watch many movie and I like most of them