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Somewhat Controversial Healthcare Bill in U.S.

The goverment has no right to tell me what meds i can or cant get (because the bill also makes paying out of pocket illegal) or wheater my grand mother can get her knee replaced this not where we need goverment involvment look at how fucked up Social Security has become I am legitly scared of this bill and of how fast Osama it trying to shove it down every ones throat with out letting us read it in entirety

also side note I still want to see with my own eyes his "birth Certificate"
All prescription medications are provided to you free of charge with. Any over the counter medications are still payed out of your pocket. Your grandmother's knee replacement is less likely with an insurance company because they have the ability to deny her coverage due to a preexisting condition or unnecessary surgery.

Osama is in no way involved with the healthcare bill. Racism does not belong in an intelligent debate.
All prescription medications are provided to you free of charge with. Any over the counter medications are still payed out of your pocket. Your grandmother's knee replacement is less likely with an insurance company because they have the ability to deny her coverage due to a preexisting condition or unnecessary surgery.

Osama is in no way involved with the healthcare bill. Racism does not belong in an intelligent debate.

Yoyolll is correct. Think things through before you post them Justin. Also, he is not OSama, ok? He's OBama. I'm sick you you twisting things left and right to make our President seem like a terrorist.