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Link and Navi

OK this is somewhat a spam thread. talk to me about anything, but I need to hear from all of you cause I havent heard from most of you, including admin and sages and newbs. PLEASE TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I tried to say welcome back from Japan in one of your threads but it got deleted for spam.
I did no such thing -.- I rarely delete posts, only in the political discussion thread do I delete posts... and mr.cuddles's... cause his spelling is atrocious and doesn't need to be saved.
Alright, I'd love to have a conversation. Be aware, though, that I only have the most serious and intelligent conversations ever. Ready? Ok, first topic: Potatoes.


Haha, I'm kidding. I'm not really serious or intelligent, but I do like potatoes.
I love England. The rain, the isolation, the football, the crazy horny women. It's a great country.
Btw when I said football, I MEANT football, you know kind where the name actually make sense because you play with your foot hitting the ball.
My friend's little brother made them fail. He did a little wave while walking away and the soldier did a discrete wave back.
Le gasp! Those men aren't supposed to move at all! I could never be one of them. I smile too much. Oh, and I'm not a man either.
ha. no, I dont really know what rubbers are, unless it resorts to shoes and sleds... anyway, I have never been to england.

Be sure to go to some good viking/medieval reenactments. and viking metal concerts. also learn old norse for me.

I envy you so much.
Ooh! Send me some chocolate! No, wait, that's Switzerland... I have a friend who moved to Switzerland over the summer. She should send me chocolate. Well, what do they have in Iceland? Heck, send me a block of ice.