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high School Musical... FOR THE WII

yeah, probably... I STILL don't see how they can make an actual game out of it..... that question still baffles me.......
what do you like have a basketball part of the game where you have to try and make it in the basket? And then have something like they do in Zelda do different pitches for the singing? And you have to do certain ones to make the song come out right? This makes me curious. I don't think I'd want to get it. But I would want to see what the game play is like and how it even works.
*Screams As loud as possible* Ok, So last year in school all the girls were absest with that stupid movie!(and they still are, just not as much) Anyway they would be singing a song from that movie every time you pasted them! I almost memorized one of the songs from them sining it so much! What a pain! Ahhh! Its coming back! *starts to wack head* ahhh....there we go all better...
Do you happen to mean obsessed? That would make much more sense lol. And I know how you feel, because my sister has the soundtrack, and plays it whenever I need concentration for anything, and thusly, I mess it up.....sometimes...
>.< I STILL don't get how they could make this a game. Even if they come up with something, I bet they will have true length issues.