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I Got It :d


hey guys i got my wii on launch! lined up since 7pm saturday to get my wii at 10 am on sunday man it was awsome day anyways I LOVE WII its so fun i cant wait to get online and play some multiplayer games like hopefuly if (what i heard) ssb is online.
Also with the Wii I got.. ZELDA and RAYMAN both really fun games espicially zelda its such a great game but im only on the wolf part (dont want to spoil anymore). Rayman was fun for what I've played.. I let my friend borrow it in trade for red steel. Wich to me is a disapoint ment i dont know why maybe i wasnt in the mood or something but its just to dark, lousy cut scenes, hard to aim, just bleh not sure. I'll try it again some other time.
Wii sports is one of the coolest games ever. Tennis being the best of all, such a fun multiplayer game. Second I'd have to say bowling then the rest in order would be boxing, baseball, and the one i least liked was golf. Should of been mini golf. Anyways whats also great is the Mii channel thing I havent done much buy hopefuly i can go online and meet other peoples Mii's and stuff. Online i havent tried since i got a super slow connection (thanks to my neighbours) the update will take to long. WARNING: your going to have to update soon as you go online.
Well thanks if you read all this I can answer some questions about it if you want i guess. Hope you guys get your Wii's too and some day we can play online and do some kind of tournaments............

......................................................................I challenge you animaldude

Yay, I convinced you to get Rayman! :D Yeah... red steel doesn't look too good of a game...

I can't believe I got it :D
Lucklily the store didn't open yesterday so my dad was able to go early this morning and I GOT MY WII!!!!!! OMG I DID IT W00T W00T I DID IT!

The games I got are...
monkey ball

that should keep my occupied for a LONG time...

I can't wait for brawl, metroid and galaxy next year!
wow you got super lucky only today whered you get it? HOWS MONKEY BALL i want excite truck and wii points

and you dint convince me to get it :p red steel being crappy did
Man, am I the only person on ZS that missed the first shipment? I'm sad.
Whatever, the next shipment comes in one or two weeks.
Hey, you're not the only one, Sly. I'm not allowed to get it because my parents have banned me from getting anything. Everything is "possible Christmas ideas" in thier eyes. Darn "in time for the holidays" releases.
lol to dakare and its okay sly and I still can't open it until another hour, sample.

how does this opera web browser work?
Glad I'm not the only one, but it is bad that some of us don't have Wii's yet. Stoopid Alarm Clock, why didn't you go off?!
I got it, but just the core console. No games, no extra controllers. I have been searching the Mii channel and Shop Channel, and they look promising (very few games are currently for sale, just the classics). I don't know about the web browser, it doesn't appear to be downloadable yet.
I believe it is. From a decently reliable source, I've heard that nintendo will add onto the online services and update them every few months after they launch them for the Wii (To the rejoice of the world:D)
I meant connecting to my router so i could be able to purchase wii shop channel stuff as well. I got it to work but then i realized that the opera web browser was not for sale. GRRR... well anyway my first virtual console game is super smash bros. for NES... everything about it is so bad that its fun! w00t now i must kill more turtly things! w00t
Doyou mean the original Super Mario Brothers? SSB came out for the Nintendo 64, not the NES;)
ya maybe thats it... i'll check when I get to my Wii

I think i wanna get F-Zero for 8 dollars... it looks like its worth it... then i'll hold off on spending points until the opera web browser
you gotta buy the operah browser ? interesting i want some points now.. wonder how much opera browsers going to cost
GRR... my stupid router won't connect to my beautiful Wii!
anyone know how to get it to work?
Wiiconnect24 is up and running, only the news and weather channels are not up as of yet, they'll be up December 20th when they get those servers running. All the other online services are there.

Try setting your router to channel 11 on the frequancy settings. Either this or 1, as the Wii has the fastest connections with these two channels. Nintendo support has a whole article on it here.