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I wanna be the guy!

I have recently come across the hardest game ever.

I wanna be the guy, is the epic tale of the kid who sets out on a journey to defeat the guy, and thus become the guy himself. That is all the story you are given before being thrusted into the vicious world of this game. The game makes no pretense of being fair. The slightlest touch of any dangerous object can and will cause you character to instantly die, and with secret traps litterally everywhere, the words of the creator of this game that "Nowhere you go will be safe" ring true.

The game is free to download, and can be found here:

If you foolishly decide to try this game, I can give you only two pieces of advice:
1. Take the path immediately above you at the start, as this is the 'easiest'
2. Apples can fall up. If you wonder what this means, play the game and you will find out.

Playing on the lowest difficulty setting, medium, I've managed to defeat 2 out of 8 bosses so far, only dying 800 times in the process (the game keeps track of your deaths, and this is not an exaggeration)

If anyone else tries it, post and tell us how well you do.
Screw that 2 hour download, I'm just playing the demo.

The Unfair Platformer is fun =).

Edit:Wow, that's really annoying...
Haha! I have finally defeated the third boss. And my deathcount is only at 1628! The vast majority of my deaths were against this boss, I won't say which boss it is, but I will tell you that, a "miserable little pile of secrets" like yourself stands no chance against him!

My sanity is being rapidly depleted by this game, but I am still confident that I will soon be the guy!

I will give you one last cryptic hint about this game. The moon is evil. Much more evil than in Majora's Mask. In Majora's Mask, the moon just threatened to fall in a few days, in I wanna be the guy, the moon falls immediately, and then chases you down trying to kill you. Several times.
I went and watched a few Youtube videos of the game...my sanity was raped by just watching what you need to do to survive...

Even watching the reviews of the game make me want to cry myself to sleep



I decided to be daring...and downloaded it..


This game makes me question my existence... I did beat the first boss though, and was both entertained and made further insane! :D The nice thing is the game really rewards you with nostalgia and unreal battles for getting somewhere in the game...but I think my eyes are going to begin to bleed if I need to see myself die by way of finally reaching the end of a platform and then have...a STAR of all things fall on top of me!

...I wanna be THE GUY!!!!:eek:

This game will send anyone who plays it one step closer to an asylum...

it's evil!

but i can't stop playing...
Masochism in video game form. Playing through it on hard as to avoid getting a pink ribbon. Not far yet. Grammar capabilities failing. Will be The Guy.
As of now, I've beaten three bosses *one of which those of you that have played that far in the game know to be especially cruel, evil, unusual, and dificult...and crazy enough to throw freaking FLAMING MOONS AT YOU!!!!!!* Anyway, I'm wall jumping for my life...and failing.

My death counter is now 564...may the Lord have mercy on my poor soul.

....I...Must....Be...THE GUY!!! :eek:
I have watched hours worth of people playing, and eventually winning IWBTG. I refuse to start playing until at least summertime. :)
That game made me want to cry...

At the present, I am fighting the fourth boss of IWBTG. It took me so very long to get through all that wall jumping!?!

I find it amazing how I had almost no problem with the first two bosses, the third obviously was a pain, but I can't get a single damaging hit in on the 2nd phase of the 4th boss...
I love how all the bosses are homages to older bosses. Like the first boss is a homage to Ridley from Metroid, and then there's Bowser/Wort (I think that's his name) and Wily, and such.

My favorite is Mike Tyson though
Uggh. I got it yesterday, and took 30 minutes to beat the first screen. The rest of the day was sepnt getting to Mike Tyson. Today, I beat him four times. The first I went back to save before getting the red thing, so I had to fight again. The second time, I hit skip so I could leave after he died, and he came back to life. The third time, I killed him, and in the middle of jumping across the stage, my teacher of the class I was in turned off the computer. The fourth time I finally got past him... OFF TO WHOEVER'S NEXT!

EDIT: Gotta love this.
I just killed Dracula on a medium file I started. First time, too, and I'm still under 200 deaths. Onward to Tetris!
Well, since everyone hates me/has friends who are available friday night, I've been alone in the chatroom... while fighting Dracula for the past hour and a half at least... My gunning hand has achieved carpeltunnel... Or at least extreme pain, and uncontrollable twitching... along with the rest of my left arm... Also, Medium only stops at 150 deaths on your counter, since mine hasn't increased for a while. I'd say my death count is around 750-1250...
Oh my God. I will NEVER play that again. That's WAY too hard. Even the Unfair Platformer was easier. At least I beat the first level to that!