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It is delicious

Yes, yes it was. That's why I said U got punked;) you fell for it. I hope i get a Wii, but I really don't know...........:(
Does anybody know how to work the internet on it? Very little seems to be working thus far. Btw, my lack of games has brought me back to Melee (on the Wii!) and I must say, it's slightly better than on the GNC. The major improvement is sound, but it goes a little smoother, eliminating barely noticable slows altogether. It can hold 2 memory cards, as expected, and is wavebird compatable.
Does anybody know how to work the internet on it? Very little seems to be working thus far. Btw, my lack of games has brought me back to Melee (on the Wii!) and I must say, it's slightly better than on the GNC. The major improvement is sound, but it goes a little smoother, eliminating barely noticable slows altogether. It can hold 2 memory cards, as expected, and is wavebird compatable.
That out to last until Brawl comes out. Then, adios Melee, hola Brawl (seiously, I cant remember the last time I thought about the original Smash Bros.)
yeah hows the wii? when i heard of it i thought it would either be a complete utter failure or an ingenious piece of videogame goodness!
yeah hows the wii? when i heard of it i thought it would either be a complete utter failure or an ingenious piece of videogame goodness!
How dare you think the Wii a faliure! I hereby say unto you ...

no i thought that they were taking a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy risky move with the brand new unprecedented controler design, but nintendo is famous for doing this. But remeber the binocular videogame thingy. that failed. that was a risk. thats all i was saying either it would fail or be extemely awesome. there are no grey areas
You mean the Virtual Boy? That failed because it either hurt your eyes or made you vomit. The control is excellent on the menus, and the gameplay is fine. As I said before, I only have Wii sports, so I might not be seeing the full picture, but Bob seemed to be having fun when I picked up my Wii at his house.
And the Virtual Boy also failed as it was to bulky and hurt your eyes so much that if you played for too long, it would give you pain.
Also for the Wii, if u don't like the Wiimote (I curse you to oblivion if u don't!) u can always get the re-made "classic controllers" that nintendo came out with. By the way... are there ports for GCN controllers?
Also for the Wii, if u don't like the Wiimote (I curse you to oblivion if u don't!) u can always get the re-made "classic controllers" that nintendo came out with. By the way... are there ports for GCN controllers?
that can only be used for virtual console games... I wanted to get 2 but they wree cold out at every store i went to
Yeah, nintendo didn't expect the demand tobe great for the classic cont., so they undershipped. It's better then the X-Box 360 launch fiasco,where they didn't have enough to even satisfy the pre-orders.................
to answer your question there are ports for gamecube controllers on the wii.

^_^ and memory card slots also ^___________^
o_o that would be a bit of a problem.........

the solution:
cover your floor with packing peanuts :D
um okay lol

wow tonight is bad

1. lil bros not here to torture
2. i have no wii
3. i cant think of anyone i want to stay over tonite *most of my best friends are girls lol and obviously XD*
4. again, no wii :(
5. i dont want to do the triforce search on ww
6. still no wii
7. still no wii the sequel
8. i want a delicious wii with tp on the side!!!!!!
That bites....................well I've been complaining that I don't have a Wii for 3-5 days now....................................
i might be getting one soon if there is one to find...lol
that makes sense XD

my mom says she wants me to have one so ill stop bugging her for it :D
If I bother my Mom.....................she'll just yell shut up and ground me...............well, she won't ground me, but she'll get p'oed