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Kaepora Gaebora


Deus Ex Machina
Okay, we all know he's the annoying owl from Ocarina of time, but where do you think he came from? I personally think he's Raru in a different form. What do you guys think?
That guy really pissed me off, I kept pressing "no" by accident whenever he asked me if I understood.
That owl is nothing less than a complete creepy stalker. I mean, he'd been watching Link for years, right? What a pervy bird.

I hope that everyone knows that it's a reincarnation of a Sage... The reason why he follows Link and gives Link advice during the game (Which, I think that hardly anyone follows during the game... Because they think they don't need it...) and to help out and whatnot...

But, nonetheless, I also think he has a shrine in his closet of Link, with pictures that shouldn't be mentioned here... and other things... That would be weird.......... Very Weird..........
i agree with krimson...just a random talking magic owl....

isnt hyrule a great place :)

real owls just stare at you
and hoot...

they're creepy o.o
I think he is a messenger of the Windfish. Maybe when Link was running around in OoT, The Windfish up in heaven(or whatever) sent him to help.

Vey bad help, but still help nontheless.
I think that he is just a random, very well versed, talking owl, but if he isn't, I think he is a servant of Nayru, since he has a great array of knowledge, and she presides over the Triforce of Knoledge.
I think he is a messenger of the Windfish. Maybe when Link was running around in OoT, The Windfish up in heaven(or whatever) sent him to help.

Vey bad help, but still help nontheless.
Yes! Somebody remembers the Windfish! What's up with that guy anyways?

Eh, he did fly Link around when he was a light little kid, not to mention the incredibly useful Song of Soaring in MM (yes, I know that was technically him per se).
If you watch the credits at the end of LA you see a sihoutte of the windfish fly overhead while Link is awake. This means he really does exist. My theory is that he is some kind of god of dreams.
Possibly. It is also hinted at that he is real in Majora's Mask because the Indigo-Go's perform the Ballad of the Windfish.
yes but terminia is also an alternate univers, therefore, he could exist in terminia but not the actual land of hyrule.
Darn you Windmage and your smurtness. You make me said like this: T_T.

But anyway, I do believe the Windfish is real in the Zelda universe, just not seen or as widely worshipped as other things.
Wait, if the ballad of the windfish is in MM in an alternate universe, does that mean that LA (the game that the song is originally from) take place in an alternate universe to?
Kaepora Gaebora is a rather dynamic character, and that's about all I'll say for that :). If I had to come up with a theory, I would say he is an animal form of the sage Raru seeing as how when he turns his head upside-down, his face resembles Raru.

As far as stalking, he definitely stalks Link more than the Windfish. Of course, how on Earth did we get into stalking?...
Well...My theory is he is sent by some higher being to watch Link through his journey...Said higher being could be a lot of possible people.

(A short list)
Sent By:
A: Raru, Not Raru himself
B: Din
C: Farore
D: Nayru
E: Windfish
F: Just a random owl
I personally think if he was sent by Din, Farore, or Nayru, then he would have been sent by all of them, not just one.