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Kingdom Hearts


Sage in Training
Well... I plan on getting Kingdom Hearts II for the PS2 and yesterday, andrew told me that I needed to play kingdom hearts 1 FIRST to know what's going on and since I dont have that, rather than get kingdom hearts 1 can someone just tell me what the story is in Kingdom Hearts 1?

OK, first of all, their is a thread for Kingdom Hearts already, and second, that would be a
First of all, I just want to know what happened in kingdom hearts 1 which is different from talking about it. Second of all if someone were to read my first thread and they didn't want to get spoiled then they won't read it...
Also, to fully understand KH2, you must play both Sora's and Riku's stories in KH: CoM...just thought I would let you know
Sora, Riku, and Kairi are separated. Sora gets the keyblade. Sora fights heartless. Sora fights assorted "bad peoples". Sora "defeats" ""Ansem"" Notice all of the quotes. People in black robes say "hi" to Sora. Sora goes to a REALLY big castle. Sora goes up the castle. Sora defeats Mr. Fruit Fruit who attacks you with flower petals and a pink scythe. Sora goes to sleep for a while

Story: KH-KH: CoM:D
No prob, though I'm certain that I wasn't much help.....Slyguy only wanted me to give you the raelly basic ideas, but thanks Versac for giving him info that animal actually needed. The only good info of mine was the flower petals, and the pink scythe:D
I don't believe in spoiling RPG's, or using cheats for RPG's. It takes out the Role Playing out of the RPG.
Cheats are like steroids: you don't need them if you're good, and you are cast out if you're caught with them. Once you've beaten a game, however, why not?
Because the PSP wasn't out yet, and I bet they wouldn't make it for PSP anyway, cause their making FFXII's sequel for the DS.
Its a CARD BATTLE GAME that WORKS! On teh PS2, it would fail, as the GBA had a great system for the game.
Actually, they're making a revamp called Kingdom Hearts: ReChain of Memories for the PS2 that will still have the card system, but will also include a more standard 3-d look and battle system.
Actually, they're making a revamp called Kingdom Hearts: ReChain of Memories for the PS2 that will still have the card system, but will also include a more standard 3-d look and battle system.
WHAT! That will not work as how will it fit in to the series! It doesn't make sense!