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Kingdom Hearts

Yes it will Slyguy. It is pretty much the same as the GBA, except for the obvious gameplay changes. It probably for those who are "gameboy challenged" or only have a PS2 or something like that.
I've fully completed the ENTIRE series and I'm waiting for Kingdom Hearts III to come out for PS2... Since I know it will... I hoping.. ;)

The gameplay is really good, but my favorite is Kingdom Hearts II. It gave me a really good challenge (and that's saying something because NO GAME gives me a challenge... And, that's a fact.) and I was able to complete the game, 100% fully... It took a while but, it was well worth it for the Alternate/Extra Ending...
I heard talk that they made chain of memories for the playstation in japan, is that true? If so, I wonder if they'll release it in america for PS2, that would be awesome!