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Link's Suggestions


Clans=Total PWNAGE, lol. We should use em.
Shoutbox=MORE TOTAL PWNAGE! lol, What? Shotboxes would be awesome!
I agree with yoyolll... This isn't a video game that requires clans and teams... This is a Zelda Fan-made site that's here to help, not to start a war.
The shout box sounds loike a good idea. I've seen them on other sites, and it would (hopefully) put an end to the "hello" threads.
There hasn't been a hello thread in some time actually :).

I once had a plan to instate clans, however, that really ran out via the results of a poll I conducted several months ago. As for the shoutbox great idea, however, it hogs resources. If we were a larger community I would consider it mainly to keep an attraction point, although we are not quiet there yet.
Aw, thats why the groups were nixed? I thought it was because of something new you were gonna put in that had its own group thinger.... I'm sad now...