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NEW! Super Mario Brothers for DS Lite

I be in High School, and thats all I can tell you (or I might get banned for revealing personal info)
I agree and disagree...
They're obviously trying to make a lot of money off of remaking such a great old game but it really reminded everyone how great mario was and is and will be :D
So keep ur mario spirit up folks!
I agree and disagree...
They're obviously trying to make a lot of money off of remaking such a great old game but it really reminded everyone how great mario was and is and will be :D
So keep ur mario spirit up folks!
Are you trying to suggest that my Mario Spirit is down!?_O
si, mi amigo
My Mario Spirit could not be higher! I said they could release this as a seperate title from the SMB Update! Thats two Mario Games for the price of 1!!!!

So I think your Mario Spirit is down, because you don't even have a GAMECUBE!
lollol... i was just kidding :p
Lets get back to talking about the wonderful New Super Mario Bros.!
I played it before, and I think that it is stil to similar To Super Mario Deluxe Editon and Super Mario World Three to call it New Super Mario Bros. I would, however, accept Super Mario Bros. 2.