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News!!! FFIII

Lol. Exploding cows are funny.

I got Mario Hoops 3 on 3 and once i get a little deeper into the game i think i'll write a review.
Yay, im not crazy. My docter told me that thinking about exploding cows is not normal, but people agree with me.

Now I have to go shoot down some commis.
About Harvest ds... Did you know u can date the witch or the witch's daughter? She harder to woo than other girls but she does something if u get her... nothing dirty tho lol
ya i love shiny things and so does andrew!

to get back on topic i give mario hoops 3 on 3 an 8.5... i'll get into the details later once i can beat this tournament:)
ya i love shiny things and so does andrew!

to get back on topic i give mario hoops 3 on 3 an 8.5... i'll get into the details later once i can beat this tournament:)
Write a review about it in the review section.

P.S. Yay Shiny Things
AHH... stop pressuring me

Things to do:

  1. write a mario hoops 3 on 3 review
  2. write a story about the zeldasages government
  3. finish a book before friday
  4. 2 soccer games
  5. move my computer
  6. work for wii money
  7. play more mario hoops so i can write a review
  8. stay in shape...
  9. study for 5 tests and quizzes
  10. stop me before i explode
  11. im done
  12. my fingers are stuck to the keyboard
  13. buy a pda to organize this shiz...
  14. go to the bathroom
AHH... stop pressuring me

Things to do:
  1. write a mario hoops 3 on 3 review
  2. write a story about the zeldasages government
  3. finish a book before friday
  4. 2 soccer games
  5. move my computer
  6. work for wii money
  7. play more mario hoops so i can write a review
  8. stay in shape...
  9. study for 5 tests and quizzes
  10. stop me before i explode
  11. im done
  12. my fingers are stuck to the keyboard
  13. buy a pda to organize this shiz...
  14. go to the bathroom

Okay, I think your priorities are a but off there. I mean, I would put goin to the bathroom 1st on my list. No, wait, second after gettin a monkey army :) .

_O _O _O
_O _O _O <there we go
_O _O _O
_O _O _O

Okay, I'm sorry bout that. In HM DS you can also marry the Goddess, a Mermaid, and a Princess! Go to http://www.fogu.com/hm6 to learn more!
well i went to the bathroom so i got that out of the way.... i also wrote the mario review but no one posted on it :(
I dont have the game either! But im still amazing... and halo, after those months almost 2 years of rs, u dont know i like shiny thingsd??? appaling