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Next game in the eShop??


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
What's the next game you wanna see available for the Nintendo eShop?? I know I would like to see Majora's Mask available for the eShop. I also wouldn't mind seeing Master Quest available too. I know it's available on the 3DS. I think they should finally start putting Nintendo GameCube games available to buy. And I already know the top 3 games I would get: Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, and Super Smash Brothers - Melee. If they were to release those, I know where my money would be going.

But that's just me... Give me your suggestions!! What games do you wanna see??
I would love them to release Minish Cap, Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission onto the 3DS where they belong, who makes GBA games exclusive to a home console anyway. It just does not make sense. I am also waiting for the New AVGN game to be released on to the Eshop.
Yeah, I thought it curious that they released the Minish Cap for the Wii U only. However, they need to fully release GBA games onto the 3DS as a VC (Virtual Console). But it would make some sense. Some people could've easily traded in their 3DS in to get the Nintendo Wii U. And instead of having to buy another system again, Nintendo would release the games on the eShop for the Wii U. However, I do 100% fully agree that they should release it for the 3DS, as where you first played it... On a hand-held. Maybe the GBA VC will come to the new 3DS that may come out in the near future.
Soo, due to recent research on my Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo Wii U, I recently saw that another Zelda Game was released. As of May 12th, 2016, Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass was released for the North America Virtual Console for the Nintendo Wii U. It's priced at $9.99, which is more fair than anything you will find at a local Game store (Gamestop, etc.) and any online place. I already purchased mine and I'm already half way through the game.
As of May 12th, 2016, Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass was released for the North America Virtual Console for the Nintendo Wii U. I

I'm still wondering why Nintendo isn't releasing these games on the 3DS as well. To me, it would make a lot more sense - particularly because I can take my PH cartridge and play that on my 3DS already. It's more a sin for GBA games though, but I digress, exciting stuff nonetheless.
Yeah, it's always exciting. But rumor has been starting to float around that they're going to be shutting down the 3DS eShop, sometime around either the end of this year or the beginning of next year. And I'm thinking that it's because of the Nintendo NX.