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Nintendo's next system


Deus Ex Machina
Nintendo has announced that their next home console will be released in 2012, and that a playable demo will be available at E3 2011. Of course, the internet has been a buzz with rumors about it for weeks now, so this announcement comes as no surprise.

The hardware rumors include a controller with built-in screen (possibly a 6.2 inch touch screen), a custom IBM PowerPC tri-core processor (similar to the 360's, but faster), and a revamped ATI R700 series GPU (will be more powerful than the one found in the PS3). Also speculated is a built-in Blu Ray disk drive, and HDMI output. Support for 3D is unknown, with Nintendo disputing any claims.

http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2011/110425_4e.pdf (Official Nintendo release note)

http://news.cnet.com/8301-13772_3-20056950-52.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20 (Cnet analysis of said note)

http://gear.ign.com/articles/116/1163325p1.html (IGN speculations on the upcoming system, released before official memo)
I read about that. I've been researching about that too. Soo far, you've pretty much made the point. But, it's all still a talk about the new Nintendo system...
Ummm, I know I've been mean to you before and for that I apologize, but this time I am not being mean. It's not just talk at this time. Nintendo has released a memo (link in first post) saying that they do have a new console that will be released in 2012, and they will have a playable demo of it at this year's (2011) E3 conference.

The features of it are what's all talk. Although it's fun to speculate on what might be put into the console. Like what the backwards compatibility will be (Wii and GC, or just Wii, or neither?), and if you'll be able to transfer your VC games from Wii to the new system (I hope so). Also what will it be named (code name is currently Project Cafe, but there's also the name "Stream" floating around out there). Of course all of these are rumors and speculation.
I'm excited to see what they have in store for us. I'm not exactly sure how they will go about the streaming of high quality video while keeping the price low. It seems like the controllers would be very expensive. The specifics, of course, are still rumor until e3. Nice to see Nintendo getting ready to bust out into the market with something else again!
Very true about the controller. I could see streaming HD at a *fairly* reasonable price, but not along with a 6.2 inch screen, or a touch screen. If there were to be stream HD, I could see a 3 inch screen MAXIMUM. That's roughly the size of an iPod Touch. I still could not see it being touch screen, though.
HD controller seems a bit sketchy. I'm not sure I want to be looking at a screen on my controller while I also need to look at the TV. I mean, if it's a touch screen or something, which could allow for more control, that would be one thing. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for any new information, but it is likely nothing will come until E3.
