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Omg Omg Omg!!!!

Haha, very funny.

It's true. Anyone who believes this doesn't have much insight.

Notice how he's not left handed in this. He uses the sword in his right hand.

  1. When would IGN ever have part in the making of a Zelda Movie?
  2. IGN and "Rainfall Studios" making a movie together? Too bad Rainfall Studios doesnt exist.
  3. It comes out April 1, 2009
That's an expensive April Fool's Joke.
That's one hell of an expensive April Fool's joke :D. I must say though, the clip was pretty awesome. I should post this as a news story, hehe.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: April 2, 2008 - 12:01 a.m. PST. Yup, you guessed it. The Legend of Zelda trailer featured above is part of an elaborate April Fool's Day prank. Check back in later today for more details on the IGN/Rainfall Films collaboration that resulted in this "love it or hate it" piece of videogame movie history.]
  1. When would IGN ever have part in the making of a Zelda Movie?
  2. IGN and "Rainfall Studios" making a movie together? Too bad Rainfall Studios doesnt exist.
  3. It comes out April 1, 2009
That's an expensive April Fool's Joke.
1. Why wouldn't IGN have a part in this? I figure anyone would want to.
2. Maybe Rainfall Studios is just a poor unknown film company, pay some respect.
3. April 1, 2009 is a fine release date, don't be so immature.

And yes, it is a very expensive April Fool's joke. So is this
(Warning: blood involved.)