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Orichalcum +


Hope Never Dies
In Kingdom Hearts 2, the Ultima Weapon requires 13 Orichalcum +'s (the rarest synthesis item) to synthesize. My guide book says there are 5 or 6 in chests, but where do you find the others? or... How do you even get any others?!? Please respond...
Orichalcum +? Oh yeah, I believe it requires killing a lot of Baddies in The World that Never Was. Either that or the Stairway in the Wierd Castle in TT (using the nonexisting train)
Yeah, can never remember his name. That be the place. Anyway, just go crazy in the World that Never Was, and ya got it.
I realize that there's 13 Orichalcum +'s in the recipe, but, you only need 6. You have to gather the rest of the ingredience... Then, use the options of Serentity and other stuff, and I will dim down the 13 to a 6 and there ya go. The Ultima Weapon is yours to use.... I figured that would've stumped many people...
Though, remember, the Ultima Weapon is not the Ultimate Weapon. You get that one for beating Sephiroth.
I knew that. Fenrir is, yes, only given to you once you beat SEPH-I-ROTH!!! The Ultima Weapon just looks really, really cool :p
Well, the Fenrir isn't the most powerful. The Ultima Keyblade is. It says in the guide that the Ultima Keyblade is the most powerful blade to ever have... The Fenrir is the second most powerful. It's a good combination with the UltimaBlade and the Final Form. I know what's it's like. I have both keyblades and the Final Form. It's soo much fun. :) You kill anyone almost instantly...
I have Final Form, but I never really got to playing it after I got FFXII and started my "job" over the summer.