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Picture Wars 2.0

pacman is cooler.
This is stupid. The procession of images doesn't make any sense. You are supposed to beat the picture previous to yours with an image AT LEAST SLIGHTLY RELEVANT to it. Not just Google image search "omglol."

For instance, a proper response to the previous post of this one would be an image of ICE to freeze Liquid. An invalid response would be ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T BEAT THE PREVIOUS IMAGE.

(Oh no, sorry. I just realized that this post is off topic.)


(... -.-)
Your posts are fine. I won't delete them. I agree actually. Like, Mongoose beats snake. Tiger eats mongoose. Human shoots tiger. Nuke beats human. Ect. This continues until I own you all by Khemistry Krunch.

Platinum is so much cooler than gold. Gold can become dull and colourless. Turn yellow. Platinum is so. freaking. shiny o.o

The amount of math involved in Pokemon causes people's heads to explode and set on fire, which melts the silver into slag.