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Site comic


Deus Ex Machina
I think it would be nifty if we had a site comic. Something based on Zelda and the community. If one of the staff can draw really well, I think you should make a pilot comic and go from there. Also if you had a weekly/monthly comic or something with a good story, people might keep coming back to read it.
Hmm ... a site webcomic featuring members, as well as denizens of the LoZ universe ... sounds interesting. I could help with the writing from time to time.
I could possible do the art work if the people of the site think it's all right. I wouldn't know much on the appearance of the people nor the personality of the members. Though, also the people of the site could give suggestions/ help (me) with the story as well as ZG.
Um, not doubting your artistic side, but I think we should have a staff memeber do it and not somebody in a relationship with a person who has a grudge against most of the people on the site...
Uhh... He doesn't have a grudge against any one on the site what so ever, so I don't know where you get that idea... besides, staff or not, I could have a chance couldn't I?
Uhh... He doesn't have a grudge against any one on the site what so ever, so I don't know where you get that idea...
^Uh, yeah, sure...

But I think we should wait until Bob gets a new co-webmaster because he said there are a couple people who have good art skills, so I think we should see what they can come up with first. If it's no good, then hold a contest to see who can create the best pilot comic.
Dakare and GOI, I ask that you please keep any discussion over ZG and your personal issues, if any, out of this thread please :).

(Of Topic)
I'm very close to selecting finalists for the position, with a rather interesting final task for the remaining applicants. Of course, it's really difficult to pick some individuals out of the few I've interviewed. Everyone who applied had something simply amazing about them, and one major fault...so I need to balance between choices. We should have a new Co-Webmaster within the next few weeks though.
(/off topic)

As I have already stated, the comic is a great idea! All I need now is an artist to do the dirty work; all my comics involve stick figures :).
Hmm... If Zeroth does come back, I think we should ask him to do it. He could take Zelda sprites and make a comic on the computer rather than draw it. That would be interesting.
I like the idea, pretty cool if you ask me. I don't think Zeroth is coming back though, he hasn't been on since June...