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  • XD Did I really write that, back in 2010?!?! That's wildly insane!! Let me set this record straight and clear for the final time...

    I did love her, back in 2007. We started dating on December 23rd, 2007. It wasn't until we were forced to separate in October of 2008. From there, I suffered through a Mental Hospital and Jail because of her. However, after that, I had this wild and crazy thought that she would return to me. It wasn't until 2010 that I finally told myself that it was never going to happen again. From there, I just went from party to party. When I finally met my new girl, I knew something different was going to happen. Ever since then, things have been much better.

    I just happen to be searching through some old posts and saw hers. Don't let the previous post (on June 13, 2010) tell you otherwise. I have certainly moved on. This is my final post on such matters.

    ~The Great Sage, ZeldaGuardian~
    Wow... It's been nearly 3 years since she's been online at this place... God only knows what she's doing now... God knows I miss her soo much... You see, Guardian of Ice was my true love. However, in a blind twist of fate, she was taken from me. Now... Man... I just wish I really had her back, but I know she isn't coming back. Hell, she hasn't even been at this place for nearly 3 years... I hope that, one day, me and her get back together and we can be together forever, because we are meant to be.
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