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Smash Bros News

The Gamestop I reserved my game at does not open until noon today...so I have to wait a few more hours. No matter though, I can wait a tad longer ;). Besides, there was a huge storm last night which I would have rather not risked my life driving in to get Brawl at midnight.
I, unfortunatly, don't get my copy until tomorrow (Monday), because UPS doesn't ship on Sundays! Curse you!!!!
The Gamestop I reserved my game at does not open until noon today...so I have to wait a few more hours. No matter though, I can wait a tad longer ;). Besides, there was a huge storm last night which I would have rather not risked my life driving in to get Brawl at midnight.
Yeah we've had to wait years already what's another few hours?

Got mine and I'm off to play now... ADiOS
I have to laugh at you guys for complaining about not getting it and ordering it online and all. I went to Wal Mart yesterday after school and bought it. Right there. No reservation. Oh yeah!
Actually mine came in the mail yesterday, which leads me to believe it was someone else's order.

Wal-Mart fu*ks up a lot.