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Super Mario Odyssey Game


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
For over 30 years, we have played as many characters from the Mario Brothers series. We started out by playing as Mario and Luigi. Then Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toad. Then we added Yoshi into the mix. We have adventured through pipes, underground, castles, lava pits, cloud city, and soo much more. In most cases, Bowser has been the main focus of capturing Peach and wanting to take over the Mushroom Kingdom. We have had to capture Star after Star, Crystal after Crystal, saving Mushroom Kingdom on countless occasions. However, this time the Mushroom Kingdom turns into something new with this game...

Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild re-introduced the Open World gameplay (as they created it back in 1986) and we, the Legend of Zelda population, became astounded that Breath of the Wild has joined the Skyrim style Open World gameplay. Since Legend of Zelda and Mario Brothers have always competited against each other for dominance, Mario Brothers has adventured to the same style...

Super Mario Odyssey brings together the Open World gameplay and a GTA Town interface. If you've played GTA, you're literally Mario running around a GTA style town. Apparently, Bowser has stolen Peach again and they're having a wedding ceremony. It's going to be a great game. There hasn't been much revealed, except for the one trailer that Nintendo released. It's going to be down below, as well. But please, don't let me hog all the talking. By all means, reply down below and give us your input about the game. If you know more, by all means. Post more about it. Everyone ready?? GO!!!
