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The picture game

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Spike brought back some kittens.. just because he's from Cowboy Bepop :p But Targ killed them again...

I saved them though :p
Finally, someone UNDERSTANDS my references.

Okay class, lets try this one.

Who is THIS:
Finally, someone UNDERSTANDS my references.

Okay class, lets try this one.

Who is THIS:
Your mother.

Actually, my best guess would be "Zaraki Kenpachi". For no reason. I don't even know why I would say that random arrangement of letters.
Your mother.

Actually, my best guess would be "Zaraki Kenpachi". For no reason. I don't even know why I would say that random arrangement of letters.
As in Who is he, what does he do, how much of a badass is he?

Not anime, just badass' in particular.

Final question:
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