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TP's b.s. ending *spoilers if you haven't finished*.

Like I said, watch the credits :). Zelda is fine, peace is restored, the castle chamber is rebuilt *it's the very last scene the game shows you for heaven's sake lol*, Ganondorf is just dead...would you be able to live impaled by a sword... etc.

Being impaled by a sword would kill any normal person, but Ganondorf is not normal! If you fit it in the timeline, after OoT but before WW which also featured Ganondorf... I forgot where I was going with this.

Oh yeah! Now I remember: I have some doubt as to Ganondorf actually being dead at the end of TP.
You have a point there goboman11. But then again, normal people can be impaled with a sword and survive. It just hurts like hell, I'd assume. But as far as video games are concerned, it's like Sephiroth or Cloud in Final Fantasy VII. Being impaled doesn't necessarily mean instant death. I had a theory that when Zant broke his neck(symbolically apparently), that Ganondorf's spirit fled his body and entered Zant's now lifeless body. Yes, Ganondorf could have still been alive, but would you show yourself still being alive to your biggest enemies if you were in such a vulnerable position? No, you'd fake death. And even if he died, that's never stopped Ganondorf before.

Good points all versac, nice job. :)