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Upcoming DS Games

It has been announced that pokemon diamond will be released on 4/22/06 1 day before my brother's birthday :D
I hear that diamond will in some way be compatible with the upcoming wii game.... pokemon revoluton
I think you will be able to use pokemon you've caught in that game to create some type of combo and use it in the game....
that'll be all :)
Well, both the DS and the Wii have Wi-Fi capability, but other than that, I don't see how they could interface.
It has been announced that pokemon diamond will be released on 4/22/06 1 day before my brother's birthday :D
I hear that diamond will in some way be compatible with the upcoming wii game.... pokemon revoluton
I think you will be able to use pokemon you've caught in that game to create some type of combo and use it in the game....
that'll be all :)

Uhhhhhhh.........Do you mean 4/22/07?:confused: if it were coming out on the date you stated, It would be already out.....:p

Well, both the DS and the Wii have Wi-Fi capability, but other than that, I don't see how they could interface.

Yeah, that sounds right.....Unless you need a special attachment to connect the DS to the TV...but that would be a hinderance, so the only way I see the DS interacting with the Wii is by wireless connection, or Wi-Fi...