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Welcome to the Late 2019 Post!!


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
What's happening, everyone!! This is The Great Sage (aka T7S Commander), Leader and Founder of The Seve Sages... Webmaster and Creator of Guardian Sages... Just wanted to drop by and say hi to everyone for 2019.

There's been a lot of things that have happened since my last post in 2017. Ha, I went a full 2 years without any updates. So, allow me to divulge. We have seen a lot of good things since the Nintendo Switch has released. Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild was named Game of the Year, Super Mario Odyssey was released as well, and many more. While 2017 ended with Super Mario Odyssey, 2018 had a new idea of what was planned for the Nintendo Switch. We saw the release of many new games. It wasn't until September of 2018, that we finally saw Nintendo release the Nintendo Switch Online Membership. It was equipped with 20 NES games, a Save Cloud Data Storage, and play online with other people all around the world.

Aside from that, we finally saw the release of the most anticipated Nintendo Switch Game: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. This was released on December 3rd, 2018. It featured over 100 stages, 74 fighters, 6 extra fighters that are available as they release in 2019, over 800 pieces of music, and more. It features the biggest roster on the Nintendo system. 2019 has a lot in store for the Nintendo Switch. Last I heard, the newest Animal Crossing game was announced, Luigi's Mansion 3 is coming as well, the newest Pokemon Switch game will be releasing this year. I'm very excited for this year. What's your intake for 2019?? Please comment down below and let's 2019 started right!!