• Welcome to the Zelda Sages Forums!

    The Zelda Sages Community Forums are a fun and easy way to interact with Zelda fans from around the globe. Our members also have access to exclusive members' only content. Register and/or log in now! Please note that user registration is currently disabled. If you would like to register please contact us.

Welcome to the new Zelda Sages!


The Webmaster
Yes, we've redesigned everything just becuase we could :). You can read more information on the new site itself in the news article found here.

There are many things that are out of the norm in this forum as well as the site. As you now see, the forum is tightly strung into the site itself, which we beleive adds a much more appealing look to the forums. We also, as you can tell, have a brand new forum style to match everything we've done. There may be one or two images we have yet to convert from the defualt style which builds every style on a Vbulletin powered forum, although these will be delt with very soon :). I'm very proud of this design on the site and forum side, it's some of the best stuff I've done in my opinion.

With this new site we have also redone the way in which everything intergrates. You should notice no issues, as a matter of fact you will notice a huge deal of improvements, however if you experiance any issue with your account please alert a staff member.

I'd like to compliment all the staff that worked on transfering everything over while at at it. Great job guys! Now, everyone, enjoy before I faint.