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What do you look like?


Since we are all interested in the same thing (Zelda) I wondered, why don't we actually know what we all look like? Just post a picture of you if you want, and let's see who we all are.


Ahaha... It's cool to know what the other ZS members look like. =] As for me... I don't have my camera to take a picture with. o_o ZG has it at the moment, for reasons unknown to me but oh well... I'll get him to be in a couple of pictures with me for me to post... Any who...

Tinyslam- You look like this one anime character that I know... o_o

IHeartNJ- You remind me of my favorite cousin. ^_^ You're pretty.

Windmage- All though you look like this one guy I know at school, but cool picture. =]

Zerg006- Heheh... You look mad or in a serious mood... it makes me laugh... but still, great pic none of the less. ^^