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Widescale Global Cooling

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I've never paid attention to any of this. People have been reporting global warming and cooling back and forth since the 50s. It's really only recently with people such as Al Gore stepping in that people have been brought into the hype.

So, that's why I just ignore the whole issue. If we're destined to die from extreme cold or heat, so be it.

I am writing this sentence in order to reach the minimum number of characters (letters) needed in order to submit a reply to a thread.
Global Warming is a load of troll manure. We won't die from high temperatures or rising sea levels or anything like that either.

Explain yourself please because I have no idea what you're talking about.
There aren't enough nuclear missiles to create explosions affecting the entire planet. Even though nuclear radiation would effect everyone on earth, it wouldn't kill nearly as many as a giant glacier covering the land.

Of course, this is arguable.
Well no it's just like i just like saw that like article and I like couldn't believe their was like a chance that like global like warming might not like be like happening. SO LIKE I JUST HAD TO LIKE POST IT BECAUSE LIKE I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT.

So like thanks for reassuring my belief that like, global warming might like, still like exist. Because that article i like posted before made me like koo-koo...
Just cuz you saw this, dont give up on making the world green. Keep being enviormentally concious. Hippie, AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, what the heck did I say about Global Warming debating and attacking in all of this. This thread is dead, end of discussion.

Just cuz you saw this, dont give up on making the world green. Keep being environmentally conscious. Hippie, AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Couldn't have said it better. Global warming or not it's always good to have a cleaner Earth regardless of the circumstance. Makes everyone live longer :D.
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