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Xelda1800: Fact or fiction?

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No, man, net speak is what makes xelda xelda, and not zelda. You're asking her to abandon her personality. Don't listen to them Xelda, you don't have to conform!!!

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7. Using massive amounts of netspeak *it can just be annoying after a while*
So, by using all this netspeak a staff member very well could issue some form of discipline :).
Netspeak does get annoying very quickly... I never say lol anymore unless I forget.. Cause, chances are, you're not Laughing out loud.. At least say lqtm.. Laughing Quitely to myself! I rule 0.0
The most I ever use of netspeak is "thanx" or "pleaz", though I barely use those, either.
Well you get used to it after a while. I can always immediately tell what she's talking about.
Well, not exactly. You can certainly use netspeak. As Demoncrat stated, this is the net. However, using netspeak in excess can become rather annoying. Excessive netspeak also creates poor writing habits for both the poster, and the reader. Studies have shown that your witting style serves as a direct indicator of what you read. Therefore, I would rather prevent poor grammatical structure from appearing in your term papers, hence one of the other reasons this rule exists :).

So, in conclusion, netspeak is fine if used sparingly and when necessary.
Wow, I can't beleive this thread actually got 50 replies. I expected it to get like 6 and just die off. Congradulations Xelda, you now kick everyone else's *** in discussions!
Being the topic she has obviously generated a huge discussion. Therefore, she kicks *** in discussions.
She definately can because the discussion is about her! When you make a discussion about some anime thingy it can kick *** because you're talking about it!
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