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Your Darkest Hour...


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
I know we have all had Darkest Hours in our lives... No person can lie and say that he/she has never had a Darkest Hour. I know I've had mine... Just what are mine?? Let me tell ye...

My Darkest Hours... Wow, though they happened almost 2 years ago... I feel like it's only yesterday that they were ending. From December 28th, 2007 - January 14th, 2008, I spent in a Mental Hospital. I was diagnosed as Mentally Insane. They believed that the Tattoos I got on my wrists were self-inflicted and that I could do it again... My first thought was, "Okay... If I could self-inflict these Tattoos on myself, I did a really good job." I got the Heartless Symbol tattooed on my left wrist (The Left means Fate) and a Black Heart on my right wrist. Soo, I was forced to take medication to be 'sane'... Yeah, right... Well, after I was released, I was slower. My mind was always racing to new ideas and thoughts. That wasn't possible, when I was medicated... Even my friend (that was in Chicago at the time) was able to tell that I wasn't myself, when we talked over the phone... The only thoughts that were in my head was that I was going to be taking this medicine for a looong time... Well, a looong time came really fast... Because not even 3 weeks later...

February 1st - May 14th of 2008, I was in Jail. Apparently, the tattoos were just the start. I soon figured out how the cops knew about my tattoos really fast and knew to pick me up. Go figure... Anyways, I was processed and placed in a jail house, in a cell, with other actual criminals. My charges were misdemeanors and I had 4 of them: Threatening, Property Damage, Violation, and I think another Threatening. I spent 113 days in Jail. That's 113 days... That's 2712 hours... That's 162,720 minutes... Hell, I spent my 19th birthday in Jail... However, I wasn't on the stupid medication anymore. That was a plus. Once I was released, I vowed to never go back...

"Just what happened to make you suffer such a fate??" some of you are asking... Well, I only have one word for that... Love. Yes, when I was in love with the one girl that is the Love of my Life, my True Love, my One and Only... We were in-separable. My only problem was that I didn't anticipate her parents to be such a**holes... And part of their reason of doing still puzzles me to this day... That part of the reason is because I was making their only daughter happy. I know!!! I'm confused as you are. However, she fell into their lies and deception and they managed to turn her against me. At first, after I got back home, I did everything possible to get her the evidence I had against her parents. On December 26th, 2009... That day would've marked our 7-year anniversary... Yes, I know that's a long relationship... Hell, it's the longest I've ever had. We started dating when we were in 8th grade. Anyways, that night, I was visited by an old friend. She was the best friend of my True Love. We talked and I told her everything and how much I miss her and more. The only thing she last told me and left was, "Now... You can have this..." She gave me an envelope and left. I opened it and it was letter from my True Love. She was already seeing someone else and she told me that she's been seeing him a year after we started dating. I was devastated.

Still, to this day, I don't know what I did that was wrong. I gave her everything. I gave her my ENTIRE Legend of Zelda collection that contained: EVERY SINGLE Zelda Game, my guides, my posters, EVERYTHING!! I took her out to eat every weekend and treated her out on our monthly anniversaries. The 'Activities' in the bed were always amazing. We had everything in common. I don't truly know where I went wrong. Soo, yeah... My Darkest Hours... That's another reason why I am one of the best relationship therapists in our age. I know EVERYTHING about the anatomy of the Teen Love and everything that surrounds it. I've helped over 2000 relationships, in my career. I continue to help everyone that comes to me, which many people do. My cell-phone never has a day off. I usually have to charge it twice a day... Wanna know something funny?? Though I have a knowledge and abilities and EVERYTHING to save everyone else's relationships and love... I couldn't save mine. Soo, I plan on never making that mistake. If you ever need help with Love or along the lines of this, PM me. I will give you an honest and truthful answer.

There's my Darkest Hours... Technically, I'm still living them. And that's fine with me. I wanna hear about everybody else's Darkest Hours... I know everyone here has at least one... Don't be shy, please... Mine was really personal, I hope you can share yours too... I love hearing about others...
Re: You Darkest Hour...

All you males do is complain, complain, complain. You think you got it tough? I go through my darkest hour every time I start my period. Bleed from your man-parts 5 days a month and then you'll earn the right to complain.

<3 Missanju
Re: You Darkest Hour...

Hey, I know the pain of girl's monthly gift. Don't ever think I don't know. I know how it can hurt. I just wanted to state my Darkest Hours. Trust me, I know how hard girls have it. I know, for a fact, that girls have it harder than men do. I am not complaining. I have never complained, in my life... And this isn't about complaining. I just wanted to see if anyone would actually post their Darkest Hours.

And don't ever think that I don't know about how girls feel about their periods. I understand that, thoroughly. Though I have studied the anatomy of a girl, I have spent ALOT of time with many many girls, both family and friends alike. Soo, I know how girl's periods are tough. Some girls' periods are soo harsh that they can actually make them fall to the ground, in pain. Soo, don't tell me that I complain about my Darkest Hours, when I fully understand your counter argument.

Though I could keep going and going about how periods are one of the girl's Darkest Hours, I created this thread to see if anyone would post a Darkest Hour in their life. I will leave this argument, because I will not let this get the best of me. Soo, for your stature, I understand where girls are coming from. I fully understand how women's period, mind you every month or so, can be a Darkest Hour.
Re: You Darkest Hour...

So, you think you honestly have any idea how a woman feels when she's on her period? Do you honestly think that by KNOWING a woman you know what she feels like? Whiny little baby. I bet you got butt-raped every day you spent in that prison and then cried for your mama.

I'll tell you about my darkest hour when you prove to me that you're worthy of hearing it.

<3 Missanju
Re: You Darkest Hour...

Whatever fixiations you have about me being raped are false. Like always, I am well-respected. Do you want me to fully explain on how I KNOW (not think) about how girls have it harder than men?? Do you truly want that argument?? Because, if I have to, I will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know.

To answer your question, Yes I do know how a girl feels when she's on her period. I understand all the fatigued that women have... I understand that some girls experience bloating... I understand on how moods can quickly change... I understand everything about a girl's period and the struggle to bear it each and every month.

To answer your last question, knowing a woman doesn't make ANYONE superior and all knowing about women, in general. I did not state that I simply knew everything about women, just because I knew them. No no no, my naive and thoughtless friend, my knowledge digs deeper into the woman's anatomy. I could explain all of this, but judging by the way you seem to re-act to my truthful and correct answers, I dare not crowd your mind with such big extremities that you may or may not be able to process.

However, do know this, missanju... I do know how a girl feels about her periods. As I have explained before, women have harder lifestyles than men do. You see... Men don't have to worry about bleeding from between the legs, every month, for about 3-7 days (give or take a couple of days). Hell, men have only a few things on their minds. However, as plain as the sun, I am not one of those men. My mind contains knowledge that others dare not explore. I am not trying to brag or throw my weight around, by saying such truthful words. I simply show my brilliance, when needed. And I have a feeling that we will be continuing this battle of knowledge, won't we, missanju... Lol.
Re: You Darkest Hour...

Nah, because this battle of 'knowledge' includes you posting incredibly long and rambling posts in which you repeat the same thing over and over.

Anyway, my darkest hour was the day I ran out of my favorite shampoo. It keeps my hair shiny and voluminous; many people ask me what my secret is. Do you want to know what it is, ZeldaGuardian?

L'Oreal. Because I'm worth it.
<3 Missanju
Re: You Darkest Hour...

Missanju, I hate it when I run out of shampoo. Honestly. Not my darkest hour though.

Zelda Guardian, has anyone ever told you that you're REALLY creepy? And dude, you'd be kind of cool if you weren't so creepy.

My darkest hour... is too dark to be posted in writing on the internet. Good job not being butt-raped in jail, though.
I'm not creepy, Ides. I just have bad luck and timing. Lol. And, besides all the crap I've been through, if you get to talk with me, I am cool. I don't let this Darkest Hour block my path. Trust me Ides... If you get to know me, I'm alot better than this. I give your my word. If you ever want to get to know, don't hesitate to ask. :)
Are you, man with criminal record, asking me, innocent teenage girl whom you met on this nerd forum, to get to know you better?! Creepy.
So I'm going to talk about the hair products that were mentioned earlier. The other day I ran out of CONDITIONER!!! At a certain time when everything was not pleasing to me for reasons beyond my control that were being discussed earlier. Also, ZG, I find.... Interesting that you haven't mentioned something that us of the female gender call PAIN!!!!! My goodness. Somebody=clueless silly. hehe. BYE
GG, that made so little sense. Care to expatiate on what you meant about something causing pain?

And ZG is creepy.

I rest my case.
i agree very creepy also ZG don't claim to understand a females pain in a circumstance that you have never been in and never could be in its just irritating
I'm not creepy, Ides. I just have bad luck and timing. Lol. And, besides all the crap I've been through, if you get to talk with me, I am cool. I don't let this Darkest Hour block my path. Trust me Ides... If you get to know me, I'm alot better than this. I give your my word. If you ever want to get to know, don't hesitate to ask. :)

Okay, you just spent how many posts discussing, in detail, a woman's period? Not to mention you try to make friends with people on a website that want nothing to do with you. Sorry man, that is all a little creepy in my book.
How about we don't discuss certain functions of someones' gender. This is a public forum after all, and with the new COPPA laws that may be coming out even discussing stuff like that in public will require me to place an NC-17 warning on ZS :cool:.