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ZS Movies

Well, I'm on the verge of finishing the TP Walkthrough video. I might do Ocarina of Time guide as well... But, we shall see...
We should make a Zelda horror movie with lots of...uh...re-deads, re-life whatever those guys are. And we should have the evil Zelda that Gannon uses. I've got a plot:

Everything is back to normal after the end of TP. It's very peaceful and Link is taking a long vacation at...somewhere...not in Hyrule.

One day, a mentally unstable woman runs into the streets of Hyrule and bites the first person she sees, a small boy, on the arm.

She is arrested and put to death within an hour. The victim is ok...for a while...

A few hours later the boy retires to his bed for a nice nights sleep...or so he thought. He feels kind of warm, feverish, and gets a very sick feeling in his stomach. He looks at his wound and sees that it has started to bleed again. The boy gets up to get some cloth to stop the blood, but as soon as he stands he feels weak, dizzy, disoriented...bloodless. He sits on the floor thinking he probably just got up a little too fast, but a few minutes later he feels the symptoms intesify. The boy tries to get up and make a mad rush to one of his parents, only to lose conciousness as he stands and fall on the floor.

A minute or two pass...

The boy opens his eyes...something is different about them - they seem...hungry. He slowly and awkwardly stands up, barely keeping his balance. He walks out of the room with heavy footsteps. His parents hear and get up to see what's making the noise. They see their child in front of his door, he slowly turns his neck and looks at them...their eyes meet. The parents slowly approach, knowing something is wrong. The mother is caught completely unaware as her child suddenly sticks out his arms in front of him and violently lunges towards her with an open mouth.

The mother is bit and the father immediately grabs his child by the arms, trying to stop his motion, but he is bit as well. The parents know the boy has gone mad but fear he will be put to death like his attacker. They lock him in his room, unaware of their fate...

You can figure out the rest of this story, but it's good for a horror movie, right? Will Link save Hyrule and the rest of the world from this horrible evil, will he be eaten alive trying, or will he fall as a victim, only to wake up as one of the mad creatures looking only for food?

I've become totally addicted to Resident Evil...
In a bizzarre twist, it turns out puppet Zelda actually existed in the twilight realm (or whatever it's called) and she comes back to spread this horrible disease into the light. Zelda knows she is the only one who can stop her...

Actually let's leave that out, that kind of ruins it.