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Recent content by i am a teddy

  1. i am a teddy


    http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/781stm/www.zreomusic.com/Zelda25.jpg Click it. Reminded me of everyone here
  2. i am a teddy

    Sherlock Holmes

    Downey and Law actually portrayed their characters closest to Doyle's original characters. I liked the movie, although I've seen better. Like Avatar.
  3. i am a teddy

    MS Paint thread (Some Scary Stuff)

    That is the truest and greatest graph I've ever seen
  4. i am a teddy

    Currently listening to?

    The Enlightenment Thread held some sort of discussion that enriched the minds of others. And I made that thread and loved it like a son! Then when Bob went crazy and gave Demoncrat admin powers one day, SHE deleted it. Cause it was spammy or something like that. I was outraged to say the least...
  5. i am a teddy

    Currently listening to?

    I tried to close it before WITH BOB'S PERMISSION, and he re-opened it -.-
  6. i am a teddy


    New Jersey as pointed out by yoyolll... And I also like New Jersey a lot, but if I had to choose another state, Maine, because I go there every year anyway..
  7. i am a teddy

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    Reptilian Egyptians Protect Lithe Yodelers. RECON
  8. i am a teddy

    Currently listening to?

    Ocean of Noise by The Arcade Fire I just found this band, I enjoy them immensely..
  9. i am a teddy

    Currently listening to?

    Wake Up by The Arcade Fire
  10. i am a teddy

    I actually can't seem to find snoofy, and it's bothering me immensely. I'll stage a full scale...

    I actually can't seem to find snoofy, and it's bothering me immensely. I'll stage a full scale search soon.. But I'm sure he still smells like vanilla :p
  11. i am a teddy

    You are insane.

    I agree with yoyolll, remove it Bob..
  12. i am a teddy

    Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

    I don't know who should have won.. Someone who did something towards peace?
  13. i am a teddy

    Online ZS RPG Game

    Falco pulls out a shot glass and entices yoyolll back to him. Together, they can defeat Ides of march
  14. i am a teddy


    We didn't sing Eric Whitacre's Cloudburst, we sang a jazz piece entitled Cloudburst. And that solo was amazing
  15. i am a teddy

    Online ZS RPG Game

    Teddy decides to heal yoyolll's worries with heroine and booze.