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Currently listening to?

My brother practicing his guitar. It actually sounds kind of nice because he's using his acoustic unlike his highly obnoxious electric(s). He's in a coffee house on Friday night. Yay!
Okkusenman by I Don't Know

One good thing about listening to music in languages you don't understand, is that until you look at the translation, you have no clue just how depressing the lyrics really are, no matter how happy it sounds. It's upbeat, to the tune of Megaman 2 Wily's Castle. The lyrics are about a boy who grows up and loses all of his friends because they're all too busy to have fun with each other anymore. Growing up blows.
Sweet Talkin Woman by Electric Light Orchestra.

And now Telephone Line.

I love this band so much but they only have so many good songs.
Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd

I'm still alive, by the way. Been too busy to come on as often as I'd like.