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Search results

  1. D

    "Half of 26-year-old's memories Nintendo-related"

    http://www.theonion.com/content/news/half_of_26_year_olds_memories :)
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    Facebook vs. Myspace vs. Not being stalked by creepy old guys on the internet

    The age old debate. Uh...okay, but, debate. Go.
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    Your amazing stories.

    So, I'm pretty sure that everyone has a really great story that they tell at dinner parties and whatnot...embarrassing moments (about yourself or family members), bizarre misunderstandings, urban legends, etc. There's been discussion of inactivity on the forums, sooo hopefully this will spark...
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    Does belief in evolution contradict a belief in God?

    Answer the question above. **Note: The question above does not ask about your personal beliefs. If you want to debate your views on religion, there's a thread about that somewhere else. I ask that this conversation be kept strictly to hypotheticals, please. Thanks.
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    Has anyone seen the Transformers movie? Is it worth seeing?
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    Xelda1800: Fact or fiction?

    Hm, ponder: Is Xelda1800 a satirical character, created as a mockery of our world, or a poor, helpless soul with multiple personalities? Discuss.
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    Congressional Representation for D.C.

    Does anyone know why the District of Columbia doesn't have representation in congress? Apparently there's a vote scheduled for tomorrow in the house of representatives to change this, but I don't understand why people would actually be opposed to giving them representation...unless it's...
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    Translation: Did daylight savings time mess up anyone's computer and/or life? It was supposed to be a sort of mini Y2K...