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Search results

  1. Y

    New Pokémon Games Are Underway!

    OK... Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver were announced in a magazine in Japan called CoroCoro. Now I expected another Sinnoh Region Game... But they went AAAAAAALLLLLLL the way back and decided to redo they're 1999/2000 (I forget xD) Pokémon hits. I was pretty surprised, too. And they added some...
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    Nintendo DSi!

    Well... April 5th(America), is the OFFICIAL RELEASE of the DSi! 1: It has a bigger screen! 2: It has 2 Camera's built in (Front)(Top)! 3: It has Internet Connection! 4: ITS MORE AWESOME THAN WEBMASTERBOB!!!!!!!!!!! (Not realy!) I've had one for awhile now... In fact... Im using it...
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    Zelda Wiki Page

    I got an idea about a Zelda Wiki Page for this forum. So that way you can link to your edits and/or post your profile! Sorry if this is spam :) :) :)
  4. Y

    Inferno Chat

    Yes. This site need's Inferno! It's A LOT better than the Java Chatroom! So, please, its A LOT easier then waiting for Java too load! This is my first post, btw! :)