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Search results

  1. G

    What's love got to do with it?

    This idea for a thread came from two inspirations. First, a new member has said something once or twice about an ex-boyfriend. So I thought it appropriate to start a thread for that kind of topic. Second, yesterday my story happened and I wanted to get it off my chest so I could stop dwelling...
  2. G

    The death of Bees

    So it has been discovered that honeybees are dying out. A farmer somewhere in Maine actually said that 80% of his hives died this year. What do you think? Should we be concerned?
  3. G

    Band! Yay!

    Well, marching band season is starting (or at least it is at my school) and the drum major auditions are happening. I tried out and I think I did well, but who really knows. I'm practically having an ulser.