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100% on Dragonforce!?

I saw the title and a first thought you had found the video of the bot doing it. But I watched it and was amazed that he could actually do it.
I would like to point out that the lead guitarist of Dragonforce can only get a 2% done before failing on Dragonforce.

Well, in all seriousness, Dragonforce has something like 4 guitarists, and half the notes in Through the Fire and Flames on GH are from a synth. So, yeah...
In all seriousness, Dragonforce sucks (even if the lead guitarist is good) and GH isn't anything like playing guitar.
In all seriousness, Dragonforce sucks (even if the lead guitarist is good) and GH isn't anything like playing guitar.

Really? That's been said thousands of times before. And we all know that. And that's why Guitar hero exists. To provide some sort of musical interaction for those who cannot play an instrument. Or are too cheap to spend money to learn how to play an instrument.
Hey, most people can't afford instruments.. You have to consider that, as well... As for me, i have both Guitar and Guitar Hero. And yes, there's a BIG difference from playing GH and REAL guitar... Real guitar is harder. Trust me. I can barely play through that intro on my actual guitar. But on GH, it's a lot easier, as some would say.

I haven't gotten my video recorded for that song, but I have gotten close to 100%. I just need to get the ending down, which I'm almost done with. I'll admit, that song is hard to play. But, when DragonForce was here (in AZ), it was their last song in the list. Once they started playing that, the crowd was going wild.

Trust me, it got worse when Slipknot came on. Well, there are people out there that can complete these songs on Expert and 100%... But, here's the problem... Since they can do that, they have no life. Either they need to find a better hobby, get laid (badly), or just save the money to learn actual guitar... That's my belief. Deuces, I'm out.

~ZeldaGuardian (aka Video Game Pianist)
Hey, most people can't afford instruments.. You have to consider that, as well... As for me, i have both Guitar and Guitar Hero. And yes, there's a BIG difference from playing GH and REAL guitar... Real guitar is harder. Trust me. I can barely play through that intro on my actual guitar. But on GH, it's a lot easier, as some would say.
I started on a 25$ nylon string guitar.

My second one was a 60$ keyboard *not guitar*.

Then I got a great 200$ electric which came with the amp and a whammy bar and a learn guitar book.

Then I got a 200$ acoustic guitar and its a nice ******* guitar.

After I got kinda good I bought an Epiphone Les Paul for 450$ compared to the same Gibson model priced usually around 2,000$.

*Take notice that my first two cost less than the game, and my second and third cost less than the game + system.*

Also, I wouldn't say it's easier, just a lot different. I can't coordinate myself on a guitar hero guitar, even though I do just fine on a real one. I can probably play side by side with guitar hero with a real guitar.