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$600!!! Ps3??

Thank you slyguy, somebody knows what I mean (no offense animaldude). The thing is that you really don't need 60 GB.
Thank you slyguy, somebody knows what I mean (no offense animaldude). The thing is that you really don't need 60 GB.
Yes, I am smart like that. I think that it doesn't need 60 GB, but more than 20 GB is fine.
Thank you slyguy, somebody knows what I mean (no offense animaldude). The thing is that you really don't need 60 GB.

oh sorry...

and i think that it's a good idea to have a 20 gb for people thart dont want to spend 100 more dollars and dont play as much as someone who would want to get the 60 gb
The Wii is a cool system, but the downside is it takes batteries and if they leak it will ruin the control. But for $250 a Wii isn't a bad price, since it comes with some cool sports games. The graphics aren't really all that much different from the Xbox or Playstation2.

The Playstation3 graphics are they best. In fact the new games are $59.99 instead of $49.99. I am not sure why, but the games are a lot cooler.
The Wii doesn't take batteries. The Wiimote takes batteries, but it's well worth it. But his is a PLAYSTATION board.

BTW: Yeah, the graphics are the best on the PS3, but it is my opinion that the PS3 isn't worth $600 PLUS $50-$60 per game. That's a little (a LOT) too expensive a cost, just for awesome graphics.
This really sucks. I can't really say anything because I have never experienced anything like this. Since I got my Wii as a Christmas present (in mid-October) from Nintendo. The PS3 I could be getting as an introductory into being the Music Composer for Sony. Soo, I can't really say anything about this stuff, and it bothers me. Badly.
Guys, PS3...

I've heard the the graphics arent as good as its been said... you need certain TVs to enjoy the great graphics of this system and I wouldnt want to pay 600 dollars PLUS the purchase of an HD tv
i dont understand how u can price a game system 600 dollars. I love that the graphics are going to be so great but 600. are u kidding me? I think next year if the price goes down a couple hundred bucks ill get the 20 mb or gb or whatever version but for now go wii!
dude it's me Magic man and i think that the wii is so much better. Sure the PS3 has sick graphics but think about the gamplay.
I like my Wii, it is shiny, and I like shiny things. The PS3 may be shiny, but it's overpriced, the games are also overpriced, the controller is a bad ripoff of the Wiimote, and it's not all backwards compatible.
The Wii is excellent, but the PS3 needs to have HD in order for the Graphics to work. And also, welcome Magicman.
Well, people seem to be buying ps3's more than I thought. My cousin got one, but he lives in Florida and I live in Iowa, so I can't go over and play it. I hope the price will go down soon, because $600 is quite a bit of money, even if it is "worth it".
Whether it's 'worth it' depends on your criteria. It is not always backwards compatable, therefore it doesn't meet my criteria, and therefore it is not worth it to me. That's why I have my shiny Wii :D
I think the range of overall possibilities is greater with the Wii.

The PS3 has so much more power, so I bet we'll see some really well made and attractive games for it, even if they aren't as original in design (as the Wii's games).

You guys agree?