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Best band in the whole world

Ok, I don't think that Nightwish is the best band in the world and I don't think it kills children. Why is everyone here such extremeists! It's like I can't even find a side to take anymore! I like some of most stuff. I'm a recent oldies convert but I still love my other stuff like breaking benjamin. Polar opposites for the most part. Crap. Why do I even bother with this...
The Smashing Pumpkins Blow all of them away. But I still enjoy Blink 182 once in a while. Stay Together for the Kids, Dammit, All the Small Things, Aliens Exist, I Miss You. Amazing band. Not as good as the Smashing Pumpkins though.
Led Zeppelin, the Gorillaz, Eric Whitacre music, the Who, Animal Collective..

But Led Zeppelin is the best band ever definetly.
.....the smashing pumkins isnt THAT great.

HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A THING ABOUT THEM!!!!!!! Those guys are so amazing. The first time I'd ever heard of them I figured they sucked because everyone who I asked about them said they were terrible and had no talent. Then I actually listened to them and I thought they were so amazing and that it's amazing how diverse all their songs are from each other.
Soccer, don't mind what Targs says. He has no taste in music. At all.

Smashing Pumpkins is a really good grunge/punk band, and while I don't listen to them a lot, I will admit they're really good.
Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some one who understands!!!!!!! take that teddy!!!1
My Chem. is ok. The best? NO! I like variety. Smashing Pumpkins, Fireflight, Elton John, The Beatles, My Chemical Romance, Led Zeppelin, Evanescence, Paramore, Linkin Park, Breaking benjamin, the Who, Blink 182, Within Temptation, Nightwish, Foo Fighters, Five for Fighting, Peter Cetera, Carly Simon, Always, and many many more.