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Brawl Ideas

"Now, now, don't be hasty" - Treebeard the Ent

Wii don't want this game to be rated M for child "friendships" do Wii?
Think of all the powers he can have though... now that, we should make a movie of :)

*Opening trailer scene*
*the trailer continues normally*
*instead of snake*
*micheal jackson!!!*
*you can figure out the rest ;))
Okay, that's strike two against your life. Wii destroys, not makes. But seriously, who thinks any Square characters will actually make it in? We'd be lucky if a Sega character made it.
The Brawl ideas are awesome... But, most of those videos aren't real... Thank God, they aren't real... They will not ring Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, CastleVania or anyother game that doesn't belong with Nintendo. Those are strictly SONY games (or most are...), and they shouldn't interfere with Nintendo's Super Smash Brothers: Brawl... This conversation is over...
Snake's Konami, Castlevania's Konami, why can't Simon Belmont make an appearance? He even comes with a full set of moves, from his holy water, boomerang cross, axes, and whip. It's about time Simon made it in to the fight.
I think that with Square's recent ventures on the DS and Gameboy (FFIII), Cloud maybe (just maybe) be in Brawl. Anyway, Sonic and Simon Belmont are shoeins, in my opinion.
I think that with Square's recent ventures on the DS and Gameboy (FFIII), Cloud maybe (just maybe) be in Brawl. Anyway, Sonic and Simon Belmont are shoeins, in my opinion.
While I would like to see those two in Brawl, it probably won't happen. Snake's an exception that's been coming since Melee, and he's probably the only one who will get third-party license. Quite frakly, Cloud doesn't have a chance seeing as Square just started making Nintendo games, and Cloud himself has yet to appear in any of them. Again, all three would be good, but I have my doubts.
Sora and Riku and Roxas! Yeah yeah, I know they're PS exclusive, but I can dream, can't I? It's better than MJ anyways......;)
Okay, this has to be said. It's been quoted somewhere that maybe two or three other characters, excluding Snake, are going to be non-Nintendo.

Sonic is possible as he has been in many games on Nintendo consoles and handhelds.

Believe it or not, Cloud Strife is possible because he HAS been in a game on a Nintendo system. Cloud was in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for GBA(which I think everyone's forgot about?). Of course, he would have to be in his KH1 outfit.

Now, this is what worries me. Non-returning characters. WIth the exceptions of Mr. Game & Watch, Marth, and Roy, I don't want the roster to be chopped up. What I DO want is to give the characters more varied moves. For example, if they include Ganondorf, I don't want him to be a clone of Captain Falcon. No more clones period. I know that would take away the hopes of seeing TP Link beating the snot out of WW Link, but we have to take the bad with the good.
I heard the following information from some of my sources I will not reveal. Some or all of it may be incorrect or incomplete. Netherless, as Dark Webmaster, it is my duty to share it.

Most of the characters from Melee will make a return, as expected. Of those characters, all of the original SSB characters will make an appearance. On the flip side, Nintendo will be making some cuts. Ice Climbers and Pichu are gone, and others may follow. All of the clone characters (characters with a move list nearly identical to another's, such as Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, and Falco, but NOT LUIGI. HE IS DIFFERENT) are in danger, and will probably see, at the very least, a major change. Many of the stages will not return, and the Past Stages from the original are gone. Tons of new items have been added, but a few were removed.

As I said above, THIS INFORMATION IS NOT GUARENTEED. Do not whine about how I was completely wrong when it comes out. I will find out on my own soon enough. If you do have comments, though, go for it.
Aaaaand here's my earlier shpeal.
Ahhh. Well, honestly, considering Twilight Princess's success, I wouldn't count any Zelda characters being dropped, but definitely recieving an overhaul...hopefully. And by god, I'm happy to hear that Pichu is gone. If they have a Pikachu clone, it should be Raichu. Raichu kicks @$$.

Okay, I had an idea for a character today that I think would work quite well, and it has been on a Nintendo system before, a console to be exact. I think that if there is going to be a Square-Enix character, it should be a Chocobo! Chocobos first appeared in Final Fantasy II on the SNES, and considering that Yoshi made it onto Smash Bros., I don't think another creature would be out of the question. Plus, everybody loves Chocobos!!
Cloud and Sephiroth and Tifa...........yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh... OWNAGE!!!

Sephiroth would be a super-secret character, where you need to have all of the trophies or something to have, HE WOULD FREAKIN OWN
I can see it now ... using a item capsule to try and get a little help and out comes ... CHOCOBO, who charges straight at the nearest enemie. That is rich.