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Christmas Time!!!

Well i want

1. Wii
2. Coheed and Cambria: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3
3. Coheed and Cambria: Good Appolo *spelling*
4. Twilight Princess
5. lol i really need new clothes
6. A new computer :)
TP as #4 of your list? Now the GNC version's out, I would put it as #1 if I didn't already have it.
well, windmage is getting a Wii, and I heard from EB Games that the GCN and the Wii versions are the same, except think mirror mode from MK. One game goes left, and the other goes right. Since I was told taht GCN and Wii were exactly the same, my mom wanted me to change my TP pre-order or get my money back instead of take my TP for the GCN...*cough*
well, i already know im getting both lol *wii and tp* as i was with my mom when she bought them :)
well, windmage is getting a Wii, and I heard from EB Games that the GCN and the Wii versions are the same, except think mirror mode from MK. One game goes left, and the other goes right. Since I was told taht GCN and Wii were exactly the same, my mom wanted me to change my TP pre-order or get my money back instead of take my TP for the GCN...*cough*
I agree that they are probably the same amount of fun but if you're looking for classic zelda get gcn and if your looking for classic zelda with a splash of newness u need wii :)
Heh, I know what some people are getting for Chrismas, and I know that my trip that I am taking is my gift. Anyway, in the words of Tiny Tim -

"God (or other higher power) Bless Us, Every One!"
Heh, I know what some people are getting for Chrismas, and I know that my trip that I am taking is my gift. Anyway, in the words of Tiny Tim -

"God (or other higher power) Bless Us, Every One!"

Yes, God bless us, everyone! Im gonna miss all of the movies and songs when this is over :(
Ehhh ... waaa? Anyway, the day after Chrismas, me, Bob and Versac are all gone for 4 days. I'm going to my cousins tomorrow, so this might be my last time on before I get back. If so, Happy Holidays, ZeldaSages!
Well, well, well... Christmas time is a good time for all of us isn't it? Well, just remember not to be greedy on what you get. Ahahah. Just remember not every one gets to have a wonderful Christmas like we do. But the things I want, areeeeee:

1. TP for GC
2. KH II
3. How to Draw Males
4. Costume Encyclopedia
5. Piano lessons XD
6. Wii
7. Flute music for Zelda music
8. iPod

But the iPod I can deal with not getting. And the Wii I can always wait, just like any thing else. I get what I get and I don't throw a fit. XD
I can't play my Wii for a week now, cuz i'm at my dad's...I did get a lot of stuff though!

- a PS2
- Bully
- Okami
- I need KH1&2...
- a Wii!!! w00t!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
- LoZ: TP
- TC: SO
- Rayman: RR
- CoD 3
- 3 extra wiimotes and nunchucks
- gift cards
- yankees jersey
- nintendo monopoly
- A Wii!!
- Tetris DS
- Mario Hoops: 3 on 3
- Starfox Command
- Fire Emblem: tSS
- rapid fire nerf gun
- Wii pins
- Wii accessories
- A WII!!!
- Did I mention a Wii? ;)
lets see....i got :

1. Wii
2. TP for the Wii
3. New Computer
4. Desk for new computer
5. New Clothes *which i was in desperate need for*
6. Web Cam
7. Candy *lots of chocolate :D *
8. Internet for my new computer
9. Other assorted small things that are fun to mess with and shoot at my lil bro :D

oh yeah, and this really soft blanket that i refuse to let anyone in my house borrow.............lol

and money and gift cards :D

merry christmas everyone ^_^

this morning, when i hooked my wii up, everyone in my house which included my lil bro, mom, dad, and grandfather, played the wii, and they all liked it and now i have to make Mii's for them while they fiddle with what they got for christmas :)
I set up my Wii and my new PS2, and I played the Wii for 2 hours, before I had to leave. I updated it. A LOT. I made my own Mii. I downloaded the internet free trial, and made a quick post on ZS. I didn't have any time to "test" any of my games though.....
Go to the Wii shop channel, and then go to Wii ware. when you find the internet trial version, download it. I think that's how I did it anyway...