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Mario Fans

haha your funny but i meant in the way that there is a story and they don't fight eachother but they fight with eachother and they save the world :D
like when tv shows gang up
Hmmm ... Playing OoT as Samus would be funny ... And playing through SMB as Link is hilarious .. and going to beat Ridley as Mario would be a nice touch ... hmmm.
It could kinda be like the new castlevania where you can switch characters and they all follow eachother. I heard that game was supposed to be good.
Hmmm ... Playing OoT as Samus would be funny ... And playing through SMB as Link is hilarious .. and going to beat Ridley as Mario would be a nice touch ... hmmm.
How about link in SMB?

It could kinda be like the new castlevania where you can switch characters and they all follow eachother. I heard that game was supposed to be good.
Yes, it is called Portrait of Ruin, and it will be glorious.