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Mario Fans

i have had mine preordered for awhile along with loz: tp but the bad thing is i had tp reserved for the gc before the wii even thought of bringing it to the wii and then when they made it for both systems i had to re-reserve it. that sucked but i bet it will be worth the money!!!!
Ditto, but I am waking up early and going to the store on Wii-Day. Its a SUNDAY!

Good point.........I'm an idiot sometimes :( ............yeeeeeeaaaaahhh, anyway, that's a good idea. TYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVM Slyguy! :D

All I know is that TP will be the greatest Zelda Game, next to Ocarina of Time.

I second that statement ZeldaGuardian. I can't wait for it to come out! Especially since I've had it pre-ordered (unlike the Wii *sob*) since March.....:p
Good point.........I'm an idiot sometimes :( ............yeeeeeeaaaaahhh, anyway, that's a good idea. TYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVM Slyguy! :D

I second that statement ZeldaGuardian. I can't wait for it to come out! Especially since I've had it pre-ordered (unlike the Wii *sob*) since March.....:p
Your Welcome. I love being smart.

And yes, TP will be as awesome as an exploding cow.
Of course, I've been waiting for this game for 5 months.......ah well. Anyways, Slyguy, u kno, that I kno, that both of us know that I am just as smart as u. Is the GC version of TP being delayed?
Good luck Slyguy on Mon. and Tues. U know what I'm talking about;)
Yes the GameCube owners will have to wait a little bit more for TP.

Oh, and everyone, please, this is a Mario Thread, stay on topic.

P.S. Ultima, thanx. Vote for Slyguy (mwuhuhahahahaha(thats right folks, their letting ME get power)).
:mad: :mad: :mad: *perpetual anger cycle*:mad: :mad: :mad:

Anger over. I will also have a great seat of power as well,is that not correct Slyguy? ..........BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to mario. If I am able to get the Wii, Mario Galaxy is definately on my wishlist.
First New Super Mario Bros. now Super Mario Galaxy
somebody's going back to basics, and it will be awesome
Yes ... still waiting for what wacky game their gonna slap mario on next. My guess is either football or bowling.
They already have a Nintendo Monoply and guess who are Park Place and Boardwalk ... Luigi and Mario
Yhea... a Mario board game... they could make a game about a board game, and call it.... how about 'Mario Party'?

Seriously, they've already milked board games as far as they will go
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................well, seeing that Mario's been around for 26 years, I would say that they've just about done everything possible with Mario. And what do you do after you've done everything? YOU MAKE NEW "STUFF" UP, OR RE-MAKE THE OLD "STUFF", OR EVEN JUST MAKE SEQUELS WITH TINY DETAIL CHANGES SO THAT IT'S PRESENTED AS A NEW GAME, AND PEOPLE BUY IT!!!!! NO DUH!!! That's why Mario is still alive and well today:D
lol.... they could make a game that's like a combination of mario, metroid, and zelda where they visit each other's worlds ect. lol that would be funny
Yeah, that would be fun. And they could battle. And they could call it SUPER SMASH BROS!