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Picture Wars 2.0

And still better Bugs!

The only winner so far has been the Kemistry Krunch (unless you count the flag, which you wont).

A winner is a picture that is beyond awesome, and has to be unbeatable. As such, Round 2 (or 3) continues!

I can't see your picture, but I am gonna go out on a limb and say that it can be beaten by ...


Luigi acting like Simon ... wait, that means Mario is Kamina.
First off:

ID, while your pic is impressive, it is DQed for stretching the page ...

Nah, I'm just kidding.

Okay, for the Wonderful Stevie, I say

I'm sick of the music already!

Pwned by rampant commerciallism applied to time tested games/movies/comics.

Heh, if yoyolll is banned, I gotta make sure that the cyncism is still here.
People made of blocks? It is an oddity so bizarre that it shatters the brains of today's rocket scientists. Man has wasted away chasing the mystery of which he will never catch hold. Eventually he will find himself lost and lonely. In the twilight zone. (*freaky music plays and Rod Serling appears out of nowhere*)

Homer has been shot. And I say your picture was highly unoriginal and easily sidestepped. Pretty much anything beats an EPIC FAIL picture, except my Darth Vader one from a few posts previous.
Essentially the same as last time. Post a picture of something that beats the picture before it. Just to make sure it doesn't get out of whack as much as last time, there are now some rules that you must abide by whilst posting in this thread.

  1. Do not stretch the screen. If the picture is too big, use a program such as Paint to make it small enough to fit properly.
  2. When you post a picture, write a small explanation as to how it beats the picture before it.
  3. All pictures must abide by the TOS, which means no ography, no , etc.
  4. Nothing Antisemitic or Anti-*various religions*.
Alrighty then, let's get started!
it was edited... no one ****s with my calvin and hobbes!!! no one!!!