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Reputation/Karma-ish idea?

And I think you're being a jerk and just looking to start flame wars.

So, Bob, is this gonna happen?

I made a heart for you to use, too:

How the hell is this supposed to start a flame war? I think you guys are going a bit overboard with the whole "yoyolll is a total asshole that just wants to start flame wars" thing.

And it's supposed to be a Link heart.
So, Bob, now that your midterms are over are you gonna start working on this? Huh, huh, are ya, are ya?
There are a good number of things I'm working on at the present, most of which outside site work which requires my immediate attention. Rest assured, we'll be developing everything in the background. When completed, I'll put it in track to be implemented during our next major software update, which if all goes swimmingly should be within a month or two.
All righty, I thought of another idea: How about you earn one (1) point of karma a day so long as you posted that day. Is that even possible to do? Cause I think that would be cool. Course I also think we should do the heart idea, too...
The Zune.net forums have this numerical thing called "Community Rating", we could do that with hearts.
Could you explain it a bit more? Because the way it sounds, it sounds like members rate other members, in which case most people don't like it due to the possible abuse of it.
I'm typing this this from my iPod at my small cousin's b-day party, so I do apologize if anything is misspelled :D.

Dakare, your idea seems similar to what Gamefaqs does. I can set the system to add one karma point per post, although that's about it. Also, yoyolll, could you explain your idea a bit more?

I don't think really anyone will be caring about karma anymore a few weeks from now...:)
On Zune.net when you post something, there's this little box that comes up under your avatar that says "Community User Rating". I'm not positive but if I understood correctly, it's based on how many posts you have and how "helpful" to the community they are.

In other words, if you're nice and supportive and you post a lot, your rating goes up.

I'm not sure how they do it but I think it may be a measure of how many posts you got deleted and how many infractions you have versus how many posts in total you have.

If that doesn't work, we can always have the mods assign ratings.