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Who has a Wii?


Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
How many people on Zelda Sages don't have the Wii after the first shipment? I don't, and while I am upset, I will live.
Re: Noooooooooooo!

I'm depressed but there is still hope. Tomorrow there is a mall that doesn't open on sunday so it will be open tomorrow it has 3 gamestop/ebgames stores. Each store is supposed to have 150. There's also a best buy that is getting 100... But i kan't go until after school :(... but it is a monday and everyone is at work.... OMG MY HEAD HURTS
Re: Noooooooooooo!

*twitch* GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST.....GET..................WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF NOT, as previously stated by Slyguy,

HULK SMASH!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Noooooooooooo!

Er... I don't have a Wii either, and I can't get it until Christmas or after. This really sucks because then my brothers won't see the glory of the Wii and will waste their money on the GC version. Eh, their money. Plus if they do that, I get to expierience both versions. Sweet.

So yea. Can't have the Wii until Christmas.
Re: Noooooooooooo!

lol i was in line for a wii today, they had six but the person miss counted so they counted me as six when i was seven......so no wii at *tear*

i was freaking this close
and then i got depressed cuz a bunch of old guys wanted to buy their grandkids wii's but they
kept getting cut in wii lines *tear*

poor guys lol

i get like that easily o_O
Re: Noooooooooooo!

Note to everyone at ZeldaSages: Prepare for Christmas. Eat, drink, and be merry. And if u don't get the Wii, Force your parents to drive you to the nearest store so you can buy one:D
Re: Noooooooooooo!

uh stores are'nt open on christmas lol

which happens to be my dads birthday lol haha

if anyone needs a wii some guy was selling one on ebay with a bid at twothousand and rising ^_^ hahahahahaha
Re: Noooooooooooo!

I meant the day after Christmas, while you sulk all of christmas day over the Wii taht might've been...............................
Re: Noooooooooooo!

Hmmm a wii would be nice but as i was just informed
all of my christmas gifts have been bought as of today
Re: Noooooooooooo!

I just got some Circuit City Giftcards, so I might go their when the next shipment comes. I heard Monday, so an entire HOLIDAY weekend without the Wii!
Re: Noooooooooooo!

..............Who gets gifts for thanksgiving?!?!?!? LUCKY!!! Oh well, if Circuit City has one for you Slyguy, congrats and have fun...........................................................
Re: Noooooooooooo!

I don't. I had to go to a (Insert Nondinominational Holiday Here) Party since my cousins are gonna be away, so I got a gift card from one of my Aunts.
Re: Noooooooooooo!

I don't. I had to go to a (Insert Nondinominational Holiday Here) Party since my cousins are gonna be away, so I got a gift card from one of my Aunts.

you know, you can say the name of the holiday if you want too, theres no law saying you can't

if i get a wii, my mom wants me to teach her how to play wii sports........lol that was a shock.....lol ^_^
Re: Noooooooooooo!

............................................................My mom couldn't care less whether she played a Wii or not.....I'm shocked by your Mom Windmage... lol
Re: Noooooooooooo!


She said it looked enjoyable. lol

she taught me how to play Frogger on the PS1 when I was younger....lol.

Now it's my turn to teach her :p
Re: Noooooooooooo!

Hmmmmmmmmmmm..........I taught myself how to play that game............maybe that's the reason AI keep losing, and can never win.........;)